Shopify Startup Notes
What does your store sell and why?
Camelot Golf is a fictional business that sells medieval themed golf equipment. I have recently renewed my passion for the game of golf and I live in a neighborhood called "Camelot", so I thought it might be a fun idea to combine the two for this exercise.
Who is your target audience?
Camelot Golf is targeted at weekend hacks/mid-to-high handicap players. Items may be well suited as gifts for golf enthusiasts.
What was the biggest challenge you faced in creating your store?
My biggest challenge was deciding on a theme and then finding visual assets to match the brand. While there were some good free assets, I found myself still wanting something that would be more unique to what I was building.
What worked really well when using our platform?
I had to switch themes at one point, and was happy to see how quickly the store was able to update itself.
What could be improved when using our platform?
It may exist somewhere, but it would be useful to include resources for new business owners to help them create marketing collateral like product images, banner ads, etc.
How did this experience help you build empathy for our merchants?
If there were small things I struggled with when the stakes were low, I can only imagine how it would feel if I was starting my own business and needed to totally setup a store to earn a living. There are so many other pieces of operating a store that we didn't even touch on yet, I can see it getting really overwhelming if things are not seamless and simple.
What is your biggest takeaway from this experience?
I expect my first projects to involve the checkout page, so this exercise hits close. I'll want to make sure that I always keep merchants in mind as I make decisions on what and how to build new features to contribute to the overall success of the product.